Integrate third party application with Siebel/Open UI using Symbolic URL
So start our discussion with an example. Suppose we want to display market statistics (like stock price, stock analysis) of accounts in Siebel application where statistics come from third party application. Here we will use as third party application which will give us market statistics.
Let’s say we have 3 accounts Infosys, Oracle and Yahoo. As per business requirement, we have to display market statistics of these 3 accounts.
Rediff URLs to display stock details are like below:
Infosys >
Oracle >
Yahoo >
For symbolic URL, it is mandatory to have one static unique URL for each account. So, lets start configuration step by step.
Step 1:
– Create a project or lock an existing project in Siebel tools. Here we have created a new project ‘Symbolic URL Test’ to keep all symbolic URL related changes in one place.
Step 2:
– Create a calculated field under Account BC to display market statistics as per account name. We have created a calculated field with below specs:
Field Name = Account Portfolio
Calculated = True
Calculated Value = “Account_Portfolio”
Step 3:
– Create a list applet (Account Portfolio Web Applet) based upon Account BC and the field
‘Account Portfolio’
– Modify the applet web template as ‘ePortal URL Applet’ in Base Read Only mode
– Don’t add any control in the applet
– Change the Class from CSSFrameList to CSSFrameListWeb
– Change the list column properties of ‘Account Portfolio’
HTML display mode = DontEncodeData
Field Retrieval Type = Symbolic URL
Step 4:
– Create view (Account Portfolio Web View) with SIS account Entry Applet and Account Portfolio List applet so that upper applet displays account details and lower applet is for market statistics from third party application
Step 5:
– Add the view in Account Screen as details view and compile everything
Step 6:
– Go to siebel application and register the view ‘Account Portfolio Web View’ and add it with responsibility
Step 7:
– Goto Application – Integration > WI Symbolic URL and from the dropdown, select Symbolic URL
– Add symbolic URL with name Account_Portfolio, Siebel may add suffix to the Symbolic URL
– Set the value for URL as ‘’
because next part of the URL i.e MT works as variable (like : MT = Infosys / Oracle / Wipro)
– Set SSO Disposition as IFrame
– Set the argument for MT, specify from where the argument will get value in run time
Here it looks like below:
Argument type = Field
Argument Value = Name
Append as Argument = True
So in run time, Siebel will get value from ‘Name’ field and append it to the original URL (Like
Step 8:
– Except ‘MT’ argument, we need to add few more arguments like below
src with Arg Type = Constant and value = Web
IsrecordSensitive with type = Command and value = TRUE
IFrame with type = Command and set proper Value
That’s all, now goto Account screen and check it is working as per our requirement or not.
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