Siebel Incremental Repository Merge – errors that we faced

Incremental Repository Merge is the new feature that has been introduced from Siebel onward. It makes the Siebel repository upgradation process faster and easier without going through major upgrade project. Recently we have performed IRM for one of our clients. During the process, we have faced many errors/issues. Here we have discussed few major, frequently occurred errors during IRM.

Error Message:
Importing file “D:Siebel8.1Tools_1tempIRM_PRIOR_CUST.dat”.22001: [DataDirect][ODBC Oracle driver][Oracle]ORA-12899: value too large for column “SIEBEL”.”S_ACCELERATOR”.”INACTIVE_FLG”  (actual: 4, maximum: 1) 
Reason n Solutions:
This error comes up because of incorrect registry settings on ODBC data source. 
To fix this issue, follow below steps:
Step 1: Start the Microsoft ODBC Administrator 
Step 2: On the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box, select System DSN tab and copy the DSN name
Step 3: In Windows registry, locate following registry entry  [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREODBCODBC.INISiebel_DSN_Name]

Step 4: Verify following registry keys are set properly or not. These keys are required in order for the ODBC driver to behave correctly. If keys are not present, then add new key like below
                                      PacketSize = 0

Error Message:
ERROR::SBL-DEV-62155: CommitCopyInstance EXITING with error – The same values for ‘Column Name’ already exist
Reason n Solutions: 
This error comes up when the database is not running in binary sort order mode. During Incremental Repository Merge, it is mandatory to set the parameter NLS_SORT to BINARY which helps database to in Binary mode.

Error Message:
ERROR::c: MAP ENTRY with same id exists
ERROR::BUT strNamePath and ParentId are different
ERROR::SBL-DEV-62252: Could not create HASH entry
ERROR::Type – Workflow Process, strNamePath – eMail Response – Create Activity: 0

Reason n Solutions:
This behavior typically occurs when an object already exists in the New Customer Repository but the workflow process which is trying to insert, has a different set of attributes. This is due to one particular workflow, could be ignored.

Error Message:
ERROR::SBL-DEV-62111: NON-REQUIRED FKey not found in ‘New Standard Repository’
ERROR::Type – WF Branch Connector, strNamePath – ABO Bulk Request – ApplyProductPromotion

Reason n Solutions:
This is because of one/more non-required foreign keys from the ‘Prior Customer Repository’ are not present in the workflow definition and that’s why the particular workflow object was inserted into the ‘New Customer Repository’ with a NULL value during IRM process. This is also one of those generic errors which can be ignored.

Error Message:
ERROR::SBL-DEV-62155: CommitCopyInstance EXITING with error – 1-3ZGTMC.
ERROR::SBL-DEV-62194: INSERTION FAILED. Type View, NamePath – SWLS Technician Breaks View
ERROR::SBL-DEV-62194: INSERTION FAILED. Type Applet, NamePath – SWLS Technician Breaks Display Applet

Reason n Solutions:
This error occurs when a new Siebel object is added to the standard Siebel repository but it has the same key details as a custom object that already exists in the ‘Prior Customer Repository’. This error also can be ignored.

Error Message:
Failure: 161782 rows of EIM_EMPLOYEE had NULL in STATUS_CD 
Reason n Solutions:
This error comes up when IRM process tries to populate siebel base table using interface tables. So before staring IRM process, clear all interface tables from siebel database (part of siebel best practice during repository merge or upgrade) to avoid this error.

Error Message:
ERROR::SBL-DEV-62102:  -> aborted with error: The same values for ‘Sequence’ already exist.
Reason n Solutions:
When repository merge process starts to re-sequence objects automatically, this error may occur. It is an acceptable error message which doesn’t need any fix, can be ignored.

Error Message:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
Reason n Solutions:
This error occurs when table/view definition exists in logical schema but not in physical schema. So run DDL sync utility to create new tables/views in physical database. 

Error Message:
ORA-00904: “JOB_TYPE_CD”: invalid identifier  
Reason n Solutions:
This is also because of mismatch between Siebel physical database and logical database. Here also we just need to run DDL Sync utility to sync both databases.

These are few major issues/errors that we generally face during Siebel Incremental Repository Merge in Siebel. If you have faced any other issue, please let us know. We will try our best to help you.
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Your version of the Siebel High Interactivity Framework for IE, required for use of this Siebel application, may not be current

‘Your version of the Siebel High Interactivity Framework for IE, required for use of this Siebel application, may not be current’ – this is one of the most common errors during Siebel application launch on Internet Explorer browser but good thing is that we can fix this error quite easily.

Steps to fix Siebel High Interactivity Framework for IE issue:

  1. Navigate to browser settings > Internet Options and click on Security tabYour version of the Siebel High Interactivity Framework for IE
  2. Under the Security tab, click on ‘Trusted Sites‘ and add Siebel URL to the trusted zone
    Example: If the Siebel application URL looks like ‘http://localhost:8080/sales_enu’, then you just add ‘http://localhost:8080’ in the trusted site zone. Also you make sure that the checkbox for ‘Require server verification (https:) for all site in this zone’ is unchecked.
  3. On the Security screen only, click on ‘Custom Level‘ button and verify  properties like ActiveX control are enabled.

Now save all browser settings, close the browser and relaunch Siebel application. This should fix Siebel High Interactivity Framework issue.

Do you still see the same error?

Well! then you need to perform few more extra steps to launch Siebel application successfully. Sometimes the ActiveX file of Siebel high interactivity framework becomes corrupted or damaged. So you need to delete the damaged ActiveX file and download a fresh copy of ‘Siebel High Interactivity Framework’.

Extra steps to fix Siebel High Interactivity Framework for IE issue:

  1. Navigate to browser settings > Internet Options > General and then click on ‘SettingsYour version of the Siebel High Interactivity Framework‘ button available under ‘Browsing history’ section 
  2. On the ‘Website Data Settings’ pop up window, click on ‘View objects’ button under ‘Temporary Internet Files’ tab. It will display all downloaded program files with statuses. If you see only one file ‘Siebel High Interactivity Framework’ with ‘Damaged’ status, then just delete the file. But if there is more than one copy of ‘Siebel High Interactivity Framework’ file, then you right click on each file and change the status to ‘Damaged’ and delete.

Remember, you can only change the status of the file if you have admin rights, otherwise ask your system administrator to do it.

Then close the browser, open Siebel application and you will get a pop up asking to download a fresh copy of ActiveX file.

Still no luck!! Same message appears again and again! Please feel free to comment here and we will try to help you further.

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Not able to see control or list column in Applet

Sometimes it happens in Siebel, though you have added control or list column in an applet but it is not visible on UI. Have you ever faced such issue? No! well you may face 🙂

There could be many reasons behind this like field is inactive or does not exist in business component anymore or Visible property is false for that column in Applet. I hope you have checked all these. Also check item identifier of control or list column inside that applet. We all know what is item identifier, right!! It helps Siebel to identify the control or list column in applet web template and it is unique number generated by Siebel automatically. If same item identifier is assigned to more than one control or list column, then this situation may occur where control or list column will not be displayed on UI. 
To fix it, follow below steps:
1) Check the item identifier for the control/list column which is not displayed on UI
2) Copy the item identifier and again query with that in siebel tools 
3) If there is more than one control/list column with the same number, then delete both control/list columns from that applet and drag-drop them once again. It will generate unique number for those controls.
Now compile all changes and check, it should display control or list column on Applet. After doing this, if you can not see, please let us know. 
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